Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Well I'm getting nowhere with my Basic EMT right now. I'm not experienced enough for who I want to work for and the others aren't paying enough. Might look at EOC this fall for some Firefighter 1 training to get my foot in the fire door. After all that's what started all this. I was really digging the whole EMT thing though and was thinking more to becoming a paramedic. We'll see.....

Monday, May 24, 2010

Got my NREMT card and certificate in the mail today.

IT'S OFFICIAL!! I'm now a National Registered Emergency Medical Technician. I got my packet in the mail today. And I even had a surprise when I seen my patch. I didn't know I'd get that as well.

I'm very proud and looking forward to serving the EMS field for many years.

Good to luck to all that are still in the process.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Glasgow Coma Scale Card

Here's a handy little Glasgow Coma Score Card.
Glasgow Coma Scale Card

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Basic EMT Spring 2010

Okay, I've got some Practical videos up on my you tube channel. I'll just link to them instead of putting them in here.

Here you will find information from class including links to audio recordings and my favorite links for learning. Look to the upper right for links.

If you have other information to share please let me know and I'll try to add it.

Mod 8 - Peds and Drugs and Alcohol - April 19th

Mod 7 - Outdoor Emergencies/Poisons/Water - April 12th

Mod 7 - Diabetes Audio from Video - April 7th

Mod 7 - Diabetes Lecture - April 5th

Mod 6 - Cardiac - March 3rd

Mod 6 - Pharmacology - March 24th??

Here is the audio from Mr. Staffords Medical Assessment Demo

Here is the video from Mr. Staffords Trauma Assessment Demo

Here is a good video I found on YouTube for the Medical assessment. It runs through the assessment then goes over the list for the National Exam.